Beth is a nature-based psychotherapist using London's green and wild spaces as a therapy room, she sees all her clients outdoors. She is a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy, Counselling and Psychotherapists Outdoors and the Institute for Outdoor Learning. In 2013 she founded Wild in the City! a project supporting well-being through connection to nature. Beth provides professional training to psychotherapists and outdoor professionals on the therapeutic use of nature through the Nature Therapy School.
Beth was awarded her LEEF fellowship on 12 January 2016 at our third Fellowship Awards evening where she delivered a presentation on 'Nature and Emotional Health: Using nature as a therapy room'.
Beth was awarded her LEEF fellowship on 12 January 2016 at our third Fellowship Awards evening where she delivered a presentation on 'Nature and Emotional Health: Using nature as a therapy room'.