DR IAIN BOULTONTrustee - Chair
LEEF is currently looking for more trustees to oversee LEEF, support its functioning and ensure that our vision serves a wide range of Environmental Educators in London. If you are a LEEF member, and you'd like to become a trustee, see our 'be a trustee of LEEF' page here, and contact us on [email protected] for more information.
The role of a LEEF trustee is to ensure that LEEF as a charity (no. 1168740) is operating legally and fulfilling its aims and mission as outlined on the charity commission website.
Being on the LEEF Advisory Group - find out more.
Being a LEEF Trustee -find out more
The role of a LEEF trustee is to ensure that LEEF as a charity (no. 1168740) is operating legally and fulfilling its aims and mission as outlined on the charity commission website.
Being on the LEEF Advisory Group - find out more.
Being a LEEF Trustee -find out more